Blue Grosbeak
Orchard Oriole
We have seen so many wonderful birds lately. Some return every year. Some will stay util it turns cold. And at that time, even more new birds will come and go.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Great-crested Flycatcher
We also have lots of wonderful birds that are here year round. Bird watching is so relaxing and is one of my favorite stress relievers.
Eastern Bluebird
Purple Finches
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Mourning Dove
Eastern Phoebes
American Goldfinch
Carolina Chickadee
There are so many! I could post bird photos all day and still have lots left over. Seeing them in person makes me happy. All the birds shown here were seen in my own back yard. And many, many more.
If you have never thought about bird watching, give it a try. I bet you will be hooked! It's a fun activity for kids too and teaches them to listen, to be quiet and still, to move slowly and talk softly, among other things.
Being in nature is good and one of God's amazing blessings.